by Daniela Steinberger
Genetisch bedingte Varianten von Proteinen des Medikamentenstoffwechsels können zu unerwünschten oder unzureichenden Arzneimittelwirkungen (UAW) führen.
by Daniela Steinberger
Genetisch bedingte Varianten von Proteinen des Medikamentenstoffwechsels können zu unerwünschten oder unzureichenden Arzneimittelwirkungen (UAW) führen.
Patient Empowerment/Förderung von E-Health Literacy/Shared Decision Making/digitale Patientenakten und Datenhoheit
Hier geht es zum vollständigen Artikel von Heike E. Krüger-Brand im Deutschen Ärzteblatt (Dtsch Arztebl 2019; 116(10): A-468 / B-382 / C-378).
Our CEO Prof. Daniela Steinberger will speak about the still to overcome challenges of implementing pharmacogenomics expertise in a clinical setting. She will show and and is happy to discuss the use of innovative digital solutions for genetic labs and hospitals to support the way towards personalised medicine and a better treatment of patients.
The talk will be held at the DELAB, Mainz, March 9th, 11:30 am.
For more information please contact us:
A recent article at GenomeWeb describes the joint efforts of bio.logis, the Medical University Vienna and the Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus in Stuttgart, Germany to make pharmacogenetic analysis results available to patients through a unique drug safety card system.
The company bio.logis GIM GmbH has moved into a new and larger facilities on Olof-Palme-Strasse 15 in Frankfurt am Main on 01.08.2018 - only a few minutes away from the previous location on Campus Riedberg. With its new business premises, the international company founded in 2013 has created the conditions for the planned growth in the coming years.
Based on the KNMP’s (Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association) latest pharmacogenetics insights, the G-Standaard drug database provides dosage recommendations for active ingredients depending on various genotypes. This enables Dutch physicians and patients to always access the most relevant information on the kind and dosage of drugs that will work best in each individual case. This service is now also available to users of the bio.logis Genetic Information Management Suite (GIMS): Laboratories and hospitals can incorporate this information directly in their pharmacogenetics reports. The partners have already signed a license agreement, allowing GIMS to directly retrieve select data from G-Standaard dosage recommendations — regardless of the country where GIMS is being used.
Sehr viel mehr Menschen sterben an unerwünschten Wirkungen von Medikamenten als im Straßenverkehr. Mit der Zahl der Arzneien, die jemand einnimmt, steigt das Risiko dramatisch. Was aber, wenn selbst die Ärzte nicht weiterwissen?
Seit jeher versuchen Mediziner, ihren Patienten die bestmögliche Behandlung zukommen zu lassen. Doch ist der Mensch ein kompliziertes Wesen, will sagen, jeder Mensch reagiert anders auf die ihm verschriebene Dosis an Medikamenten oder Therapien. Ganz ähnlich verhält es sich mit den Krankheiten. Ursache, Verlauf oder Härtegrad hängen von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren ab. Dies bezieht sich nicht nur auf die genetische Ausstattung der Betroffenen, ihr Alter oder ihr Geschlecht. Auch externe Umwelteinflüsse und individuelle Lebensstile haben einen Einfluss. Die Folgen dieser Umstände sind maßgeblich, denn viele konventionell hergestellte Wirkstoffe erzielen längst nicht (mehr) die erhoffte Wirkung oder bringen nicht beabsichtigte Nebenwirkungen.
Personalized medicine is on everybody’s lips. For many patients it is a ray of hope because it promises better therapy and treatment results for the individual patient. Taking into account a patient’s genetic make-up is of particular importance here. Stuttgart’s Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch institute for clinical pharmacology (IKP) at the Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus (RBK) is one of the leading pharmacogenetics institutions worldwide and works on how hereditary factors influence drug efficacy. Together with bio.logis GIM, a company based in Frankfurt, RBK will implement a newly developed IT platform (Genetic Information Management Suite, GIMS) and integrate it with its hospital information system using existing interfaces. GIMS enables RBK to automate the translation of its patients’ pharmacogenetic results into clinically exploitable therapy recommendations. For the first time, patients access their personal pharmacogenetic findings via a Web portal and use them for future medical treatment.
Within the framework of U-PGx, an EU project for promoting the use of pharmacogenetic insights in healthcare, the Medical University of Vienna (MUW) will implement the Genetic Information Management Suite (GIMS) developed by bio.logis Genetic Information Management GmbH. The platform is the first of its kind to largely automatically translate genetic analysis results from laboratories into easily understood diagnostic reports, including the right treatment recommendations from the internationally renowned KNMP (the Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association). Here, the MUW uses the Diagnostic Report Module (GIMS.DRM) in combination with a QR-based safety code card, developed by MUW, for patients. This card is used to make patients’ personal analysis results accessible.